I am very pleased to say that from January I will be teaching Creative Writing classes for children at the P&G Wells Booksellers shop in Winchester.
P&G Wells is a wonderful place – the best independent bookshop I know – and I am very excited about teaching there. The classes are for children aged 8-11 (school years 4-6 roughly) and will run on Tuesdays during term time, from the 18th January to 29th March (10 session in total). Each session will last from 5.00 to 6.30 pm.
This is a chance for children with a strong interest in writing to learn some of the techniques that professional writers use to find and develop ideas, plan their work, and craft gripping stories and absorbing poems. We will be a small group (max numbers 14), with plenty of opportunities for the children to share their work, if they want to, and to get high-quality feedback. The atmosphere will be lively and supportive, with freedom for children to choose what they write about, but also as much help from me as they may need.
By the end children will have broadened the range of their writing and increased their confidence in the results. But most of all they will have had a great deal of fun, because that’s what creative writing should be about!
At the end the students will contribute their best work to a professionally-printed course booklet, to be a memento they can be proud of.
The course fee is £105 for the ten weeks, and that includes refreshments and a copy of the course booklet. (More copies of the booklet can also be ordered).
The main thing that children need to do the course is a love of writing (and reading). They should also be reasonably confident about the physical process of writing for themselves, but they do not need to have perfect handwriting or spelling! If you have any questions about whether the course is right for your child, or if there’s anything else that you’d like to know more about, please email me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
To book, please obtain a booking form from Wells bookshop or download one from my Children’s Teaching page. I hope you will be able to join me!