An Opportunity For Students Aged 12-15
York County Community College, in Wells, ME, has been offering what they call College for Kids in the summers for a few years now. This summer they’re adding a new section for students in the 12-15 range. One of the offerings will be a week of Creative Writing, July 10-14, and I’m happy to be able to say that I’m going be the instructor.
The camp will be 5 days of intensive writing joy! I’ll be showing the students how to write fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, and we’re going to have a lot of fun doing it. There will be lots of practical writing exercises, supportive feedback, a chance to publish work on a camp blog, and of course the opportunity to spend time with other kids who like to write. We will cover a great deal of ground and enjoy ourselves.
The camp is suitable for any student who likes to write. Enthusiasm about writing is much more important to me than grades, though students should be prepared to spend a lot of time each day writing.
For any questions about the course content, please email me and I’ll do my best to help. Please see the YCCC website for information about registration and other practical matters. The cost is $259 for the week. If you know a 12-15 year old who likes to write and wants to learn, I hope they will join us!