The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition is yet another reason for Wintoncestrians to be glad we’ve got the Discovery Centre. Besides the obvious facilities (books, DVDs, PCs) the DC puts on excellent courses and workshops (and I’m not just saying that because they host mine!), author talks, the new Poetry Cafe, exhibitions of original art, and now a stunning exhibition of nature photography. It is a really excellent facility to have in our little city.
Anyway, on to the pictures: I can’t pretend to know much about photography, but you don’t have to know anything about it in order to enjoy these images, as I and my students did on Saturday. The quality is phenomenal, as is the range, from penguins looking at human footprints, to inside the mouth of a sea-squirt, to hares fighting in the snow. In fact they were so good that some of the group on Saturday felt that they were hard to write about, because it didn’t seem possible to add anything else to them: artistically they are already complete.
But I can’t do justice in words to the visual experience. Get yourself down there before 12th September and have a look! It’s a relatively small space, but be prepared to spend a long time there, completely absorbed in the feast.